The Ultimate Guide: Best Font Size for Website Hero Sections

The Ultimate Guide: Best Font Size for Website Hero Sections

The world of web design is continuously evolving, and one aspect that significantly influences user experience is typography. Today, we’re uncovering the best font size for website hero sections to ensure a great first impression and higher conversion rates. So, let’s dive into the wonderful world of hero sections and the importance of font sizes.

What is a website hero section?

A hero section is the first thing a visitor sees when they land on your website. It typically includes eye-catching imagery, a bold headline, and a strong call-to-action (CTA). This is a vital space to grab users’ attention quickly and convince them to stay longer. So, how does the font size factor into a successful hero section?

Why font size matters in hero sections

Hero sections aim to make a powerful impact on the people visiting a website. The text, particularly the headline, needs to be clear, readable, and captivating. Font size plays a significant role in achieving these goals. If your font is too small, visitors may struggle to read it quickly or even ignore it entirely. Too large, and it may overshadow other vital elements and appear overwhelming. Striking the right balance is crucial to communicating your message effectively and guiding users to the next step in their journey.

The X most effective font sizes for hero sections

To help you find the perfect font size for your hero section, here are the X most effective font sizes recommended by experts and backed by real-world examples.

1. 48 to 60 pixels

This font size range caters to large headlines that shouldn’t be missed. A vast majority of websites use 48 to 60 pixels for hero section typography. This ensures a high level of readability and enables words to have maximum impact.

Example: Apple’s website uses 52px font size headlines on their hero sections, leading to a clear reading experience and bold headlines.

2. 60 to 72 pixels

This range is optimal for websites that utilize minimalistic designs. When the copy is short and sweet, and the message is concise, these font sizes ensure that users get the point instantly.

Example: Tesla’s solar roof landing page uses a 60px font size which adds a clean and bold visual without overshadowing the product image.

3. Dynamic font sizes

With the growing popularity of responsive web design and the need to cater for different screen sizes, dynamic font sizes have become increasingly important. Utilizing CSS media queries, web designers can adapt font sizes according to the screen’s dimensions.

Example: Google’s Store website adapts the font size of its headline according to the device’s screen size, ensuring excellent readability and maximum impact.

How to choose the best font size for your website hero section

Here are a few factors to consider when selecting the ideal font size for your hero section:

  1. Design theme: Choose a font size that harmonizes well with your website’s design and visual hierarchy. Your font size should emphasize the hero section’s importance but still blend in with the overall theme.

  2. Content: Consider the length of your hero section’s heading. Longer headings may require a smaller font size to fit, while shorter headings can be more impactful with larger font sizes.

  3. Audience: Be mindful of your target audience’s preferences and expectations. Professional and conservative audiences might favor smaller and more formal font sizes, while creative and youthful audiences might appreciate bold and bigger typography.

  4. Device compatibility: Optimizing font sizes for various screen sizes is vital for responsive web design. Ensure that your chosen font size works well on desktops, tablets, and mobile devices.

Taking all these factors into account, you can guarantee an engaging and effective hero section with the right font size. A powerful hero section can significantly contribute to conversion optimization. Tools like can help you understand website user behavior and provide AI-generated recommendations to boost those conversion rates further.

By incorporating the best font sizes for website hero sections, you can create a powerful and lasting impression on your audience and achieve your website’s objectives.



